185 Results
BDC Working Capital Term Loan
Find out how you could get a loan to grow your business.

Soft Landing program
Are you ready to take your ICT business global? Get help making the right connections abroad.

Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN)
Is your next-generation communication solutions project ready for commercialization? You could qualify for support valued up to $100,000.

Applied Research and Development Grants
You could receive funding of up to $150,000 when you partner with an eligible Canadian college to develop clean technologies.

Regus Office Space
Rent a desk space in a shared environment. From hot-desking to dedicated space suited to your needs.

Regional Economic Growth through Innovation — WD
Your Western Canada organization can get financing and other support to accelerate growth, or to nurture inclusive regional ecosystems.

Saskatchewan Advantage Innovation Fund
It is intended to support and accelerate commercialization of game-changing technological innovations in the province’s core economic sectors.

Norplex Business Centre
Co-working space in the Airport Business Area.

Women Entrepreneurship Fund
You could get up to $100,000 to grow the operations of your women-led business, and to reach new markets.

Access the Canada Small Business Financing program to get a term loan for your business.