Writing your first business plan What to know about taxes Operations & Financial Management Funding Popular Topics Starting Up Writing your first business plan Choosing a business structure What is the absolute first thing to do when starting a business? Articles of incorporation Funding Topics Starting UpAssessing an ideaWhat is the absolute first thing to do when starting a business?Naming your businessChoosing a business structureTips for starting a home-based businessQuestions to ask before buying a businessGuides For Newcomer EntrepreneursA Newcomer’s Guide to Starting a Business in SaskatchewanA Newcomer’s Guide to Marketing your Small Business in SaskatchewanA Newcomer’s Guide to Financial Fundamentals for Small Business in SaskatchewanBusiness PlanningWriting your first business planCommercial lease guideIntellectual property guideFundingSelecting professional servicesShareholder / partnership agreement guideSupplier selection guideOperations & Financial ManagementAccounting versus bookkeepingWhat to know about taxesHow to know if your business is profitableBasic bookkeepingUsing break-even analysisSmall business insuranceSales & MarketingHow to sell your product or serviceWhat to know about advertisingTips for presentations and pitchesPreparing a proposalTradeshows and events for businessHuman ResourcesImplementing an employee training programSetting up a pay scaleLegalLegal considerations when starting a businessProtecting your business from fraud and theftArticles of incorporation