Applications are closed!

Do you have a business idea? Need some guidance & direction? Connect with local business owners & experts in speed meeting style to get advice & business questions answered!

SPARK connects local Indigenous entrepreneurs with business experts in a ‘speed meeting’ style format. It’s a great opportunity for you to explore your business idea while gaining guidance and direction on starting or growing your business in Saskatchewan. SPARK is taking place in Yorkton on September 20th and Prince Albert on September 27th.

Not sure how to say ewâskocepayisik, let’s learn together


  • Have an idea or have been in operation for less than three years
  • Are located in Saskatchewan
  • Your business has, or will have, majority Indigenous ownership

Application Round – submit an online application before September 5th at 1:00 pm

Event – At this speed meeting-style event, the top 15 entrepreneurs will have the chance to connect with local business owners and professionals for one-on-one advice and guidance on starting or growing a business.