Walking Stick Mobility
Meet the Founder, Akash Khinda

Located at 510 Lauriston St Unit #40, Saskatoon, SK, Walking Stick Mobility officially opened on February 19th, 2024, and so far they’ve been offering 5-star service to Saskatoon. Akash discovered Saskatoon on a short visit to the province in 2018, “I was introduced to Saskatchewan and its contribution to the world of pulses. While it was brief, it left a big mark on my memory and when I got the opportunity to come back to Saskatoon on an entrepreneur visa, the first place that I wanted to go back to was [SK Startup Institute].”
“Everyone told me [Saskatoon] is no ones first choice, but why is it a second choice for people? This is a place of growth and opportunity!“
Akash praised SK Startup Institute and Jared, one of SK Startup Advisors, for their helpful hand in getting his business off the ground stating, “It was so easy to set up time with Jared, get industry insights, analytics, etc.” Akash highlighted how without the free reports or minimal cost expert help, it would have been costly for an entrepreneur to get his business started. He called attention to some of the services he used from SK Startup including lawyers, marketing professionals, and tax consultants.
“It not only helped me get some quick answers but also gave me the confidence to be up and running from day one.“

If you’re looking for someone knowledgeable, and passionate about your care look no further, Akash has been in and around the healthcare industry for 15 years. He says mobility assistance is something everyone is going to need in their lifetime. “When you go grocery shopping you have options, so why should this be any different?” Walking Stick Mobility offers a wide range of products, with a focus on mindfulness and interaction with the user.

To learn more go to:
Website: https://walkingstickmobility.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WalkingStickMobility
Instagram: @walking_stick_mobility
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/walking-stick-mobility-9245612b8/